Activating Just Resolution

Our Story

In July 2017, Summit Outcomes Group was founded as a platform focused on building people's, companies, civil society and governmental organizations capacity to negotiate a path towards relevance and success.

With the advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the world is changing faster than ever before. Trends in technologies based on merging the digital, the biological and the physical are creating huge disruption to the current economic, social and environmental order. Advances in A.I., biotechnology, deep machine learning and automation technologies indicate a long-term future of higher productivity, more wealth and less "traditional" work for humans. Humans can't hope to compete with efficient automation and fact based decision making machines.

Humans however, do have comparative advantages such as creativity and innovation, interpersonal skills (to negotiate complex trade offs, envision, lead, motivate, build teams and other soft skills), research, development and design. These skills are essential for success in the future.

Summit Outcomes is about building personal and organizational capacities to not only be relevant and successful "in the now" but also to be "future ready" through activating just resolutions to the complex challenges facing us in the world today.